Managed automations built and maintained by AI
How does it work? It’s easy:
1. Input your request
Automat makes it as simple as demonstrating the tasks you want to automate. We accept:
- Screen recordings, video walkthroughs
- Process Design Documents (PDDs) or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Example documents or datasets for custom extraction
2. Process and build
Our solutions engineers work closely with your team to deliver reliable automations. Automat AI agents & automations are engineered for:
- Observability - view status, progress and completion
- Reliability - automatic retries, manual interventions where needed.
- Analytics - unique analytics for each automation
3. Simple deployment
Automat integrates seamlessly into your workflow or product. You can trigger automations through the following methods:
- Automat Workflow Manager
- Custom API endpoint
- Local trigger (Chrome extension) or desktop app

Save hours, not minutes
Change the way you process automations and save time while doing so. The results speak for themselves:
your process
Set up in a matter of hours
Describe your automation using video or text description for automat to automate
Only pay for setup and usage
Automations are custom to you and your team, this means only pay for what you use. We're also flexible as you grow.
Deploy custom automations
Have a specific workflow, problem, or data set? Set up an initial consultation and together we'll walk through a custom solution for your business needs.

Schedule a demo
See how Automat can improve your processes and save you money